Water Security – Does Europe have a strategy?

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Auteur : Actes du colloque du 7 juin 2007 à Bruxelles, sous l’égide de Les Amis de l’Europe et de European Water Partnership
Are Europe’s responses to climate change taking the water issue into account? Is water a sufficiently major concern in EU energy policies now being developed, especially when it comes to security of supply and environmental sustainability? How can an increase in biofuel production be reconciled with water demand management strategies?
North vs South = Quality vs Quantity? If the EU’s Mediterranean states feel that water scarcity issues is not fully being addressed, what new instruments does the EU need? Can the pricing policies envisaged by the WFD contribute to more sustainable demand management solutions in water-scarce countries? How can the burden of keeping water clean and reducing water consumption be better shared among stakeholders?
Public – Private: Industry executives say that public and private money can co-exist, but are the ‘Chinese walls’ tall enough in transition countries to ensure that economic efficiency and shareholders’ interests can be reconciled with consumers’ needs? If Europe’s infrastructure needs to be upgraded to cope with the challenges of water scarcity and pollution, what governance and management formulas might deliver the best synergies between public and private sectors?